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Question 1: Left circumflex artery supply

Option A: Right ventricle
Option B: Left ventricle
Option C: Left atrium
Option D: Left atrium and right ventricle
Option E: Left ventricle margin only

Correct Answer: Option : B
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Question 2: Right border of the heart is formed by

Option A: Right atrium
Option B: Left atrium
Option C: Right ventricle
Option D: Right atrium + SVC
Option E: Coronary sinus + SVC

Correct Answer: Option : D
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Question 3: A neonate was brought to a paediatric cardiologist for evaluation of a murmur. He prescribed indomethacin to enhance the synthesis of prostaglandins. This help in the closure of the persisting embryonic structure of:

Option A: Ductus arteriosum
Option B: Ductus venosum
Option C: Foramen primum
Option D: Foramen secundum
Option E: Interventricular foramen

Correct Answer: Option : A
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Question 4: A man in 100 meter relay ran to the maximum of his ability. During inspiration the diameter of thoracic cavity increased. The muscle responsible for increase in the diameter is:

Option A: Diaphragm
Option B: External intercostal muscles
Option C: Internal intercostal muscles
Option D: Scalene muscles
Option E: Sternocleidomastoid

Correct Answer: Option : A
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Question 5: Area of the chest where it is most resonant:

Option A: Right 2-4 ribs midclavicular line
Option B: Left 2-4 ribs midclavicular line
Option C: Right 4-6 ribs midaxillary line
Option D: Left 4-6 ribs midaxillary line
Option E: Right 5-10 midclavicular line

Correct Answer: Option : A
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Question 6: A 30-year-old female had fever for the last 10 days. Recently she developed continous chest pain unrelated to respiration. The most likely structure involved in this patient is:

Option A: Costo-chondral joint
Option B: Intercostal nerve
Option C: Myocardium
Option D: Pericardium
Option E: Pleura

Correct Answer: Option : D
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Question 7: A 50-year-old woman complained of swelling under the skin on her chest. On examination, the doctor found a hard lump in the axilla along the lateral border of pectoralis major. Which he thought would be lymph nodes. Most likely, these lymph nodes are

Option A: Anterior axillary
Option B: Apical axillary
Option C: Central axillary
Option D: Infraclavicular
Option E: Posterior axillary

Correct Answer: Option : A
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Question 8: A person received a wound by a penetrating object passing along the left edge of the sternum through the fourth intercostal space this object will most probably pierce:

Option A: Internal intercostal membrane
Option B: Internal intercostal muscle
Option C: Left atrium
Option D: Left lung
Option E: Left ventricular

Correct Answer: Option : B
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Question 9: Right coronary artery supplies the conducting system of heart in most of the cases. The part of conducting system which is not supplied by right coronary artery is:

Option A: A. V. Bundle
Option B: A. V. Node
Option C: Left bundle branch
Option D: Right bundle branch
Option E: S.A Node

Correct Answer: Option : D
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Question 10: Which is the weakest point where a rib can be fractured?

Option A: Angle of the rib
Option B: Head of the rib
Option C: Mid shaft of rib
Option D: Neck of the rib
Option E: Tubercle of rib

Correct Answer: Option : A
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Question 11: What type of tissue is critical for dividing the heart into four chambers and the outflow tract into pulmonary and aortic channels?

Option A: Aortico-pulmonary septum
Option B: Conus septum
Option C: Endo-cardial cushions
Option D: Septum primum
Option E: Septum secondum

Correct Answer: Option : C
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Question 12: Regarding thoracic duct what is inappropriate

Option A: It begins in abdomen as cisterna chyli
Option B: It drains whole chest
Option C: It enters root on neck on left side
Option D: It drains lymph from lower limb
Option E: It lies in posterior mediastinum

Correct Answer: Option : B
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Question 13: The structure which arches over left lung root is?

Option A: Arch of aorta
Option B: Azygos vein
Option C: Left phrenic nerve
Option D: Left principal bronchus
Option E: Left vagus nerve

Correct Answer: Option : A
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Question 14: A young boy has blood pressure 160/110 mmHg in the right arm and 140/90 mmHg in the left arm with weak femoral pulses. The most likely site of lesion is:

Option A: Ductal coarctation
Option B: Narrowing of abdominal aorta
Option C: Obliteration of left axillary artery
Option D: Post ductal coarctation of aorta
Option E: Pre ductal coarctation of aorta

Correct Answer: Option : D
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Question 15: A 45 year old hypertensive business man complains of central chest pain. On examination his ECG shows ST segment elevation in leads V4, the artery most likely to be affected is:

Option A: Circumflex
Option B: Diagonal
Option C: Left anterior descending
Option D: Left main coronary
Option E: Right coronary

Correct Answer: Option : C
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Question 16: A 50 year old man was diagnosed as a case of myocardial infarction with an inferior infarct. He was advised angiography. On angiography which artery is the most likely to be affected:

Option A: Anterior ventricular branch of left coronary
Option B: Left diagonal artery
Option C: Left marginal artery
Option D: Right coronary artery
Option E: Right marginal artery

Correct Answer: Option : D
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Question 17: A young boy got an acute episode of suffocation while eating peanuts. He was diagnosed to have aspirated a peanut into the trachea. This had ultimately passed into the lobar bronchus of:

Option A: Left inferior
Option B: Left superior
Option C: Right inferior
Option D: Right middle
Option E: Right superior

Correct Answer: Option : C
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Question 18: During pleural aspiration which structure is not pierced in mid axillary line?

Option A: Internal intercostal
Option B: External intercostals
Option C: Innermost intercostals
Option D: Levator costorum
Option E: Intercostal membrane

Correct Answer: Option : D
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Question 19: A 50-year-old man suffers an acute myocardial infarction. Subsequent angiography reveals a thrombus in left coronary artery. Following is a true fact regarding this artery

Option A: Continues as circumflex artery.
Option B: Arises from left anterior aortic sinus
Option C: Supplies bundle of His.
Option D: Supplies SA node in 90% of cases
Option E: Givesposterior interventricular artery

Correct Answer: Option : A
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Question 20: Regarding the conductive system of heart, which of the following is not correct?

Option A: A node is supplied by right coronary artery
Option B: AV node is supplied by right coronary
Option C: AV bundle is supplied by right coronary artery
Option D: Right bundle branch supplied by right coronary artery
Option E: Left bundle branch is supplied by both right and left coronary artery

Correct Answer: Option : D
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Question 21: Phrenic nerve arises from

Option A: C3,C4,C5
Option B: C2,C3,C4
Option C: C4,C5,C6
Option D: C1,C2,C3
Option E: C2,C3

Correct Answer: Option : A
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Question 22: A patient presented in the OPD with history of difficulty in raising the arm above the head, following an injury in the right axillary region. O/E inferior angle of the right scapula was found to be more prominent. Which of the following nerves is likely to be injured:

Option A: Axillary nerve
Option B: Long thoracic nerve
Option C: Radial nerve
Option D: Thoracodorsal nerve
Option E: Upper & lower subscapular nerves

Correct Answer: Option : B
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Question 23: An 11 year old boy has presented with breathlessness and palpitation while playing cricket. On examination, he is tachypnoeic and sweaty. He was diagnosed to have aortic regurgitation by a cardiologist. The most significant clinical finding in this patient would be:

Option A: Capillary pulsations in nail bed
Option B: Early diastolic murmur
Option C: Femoral bruit
Option D: Heaving apex beat
Option E: Bounding pulse

Correct Answer: Option : B
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Question 24: Stab wound occurs in the 4th intercostal space near the lateral border of sternum, the first structure most likely damaged would be?

Option A: Internal intercostal membrane
Option B: Internal intercostal muscle
Option C: External intercostal muscle
Option D: Lungs
Option E: Heart

Correct Answer: Option : B
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Question 25: A fifty year old woman complained of a swelling under the skin on her chest. On examination a hard lump was found in the axilla along the lateral border of pectoralis major muscle. This swelling was due to lymph nodes. These enlarged lymph nodes most likely would be:

Option A: Anterior axillary
Option B: Apical
Option C: Central
Option D: Infraclavicular
Option E: Posterior axillary

Correct Answer: Option : A
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Question 26: An army officer with history of stab wound 2 years ago now develops a swelling at the same side which buldges with coughing and sneezing. What is the cause?

Option A: Damage to deep fascia
Option B: Damage to suprapleural fascia
Option C: Non-united fracture of 1st rib
Option D: Damage to superficial fascia
Option E: Damage to phrenic nerve

Correct Answer: Option : B
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Question 27: In the anterioposterior view of the chest X-ray, the right cardiac border is formed by;

Option A: SVC
Option B: Right atrium
Option C: Right ventricle
Option D: IVC
Option E: Left atrium

Correct Answer: Option : A
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Question 28: The conducting system of the heart is composed of specialized:

Option A: Adrenergic nerve fibres
Option B: Cardiac muscle fibres
Option C: Cholenergic nerve fibres
Option D: Fibrous tissue
Option E: Sympathetic nerves

Correct Answer: Option : B
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Question 29: A patient was brought to the hospital after a roadside accident. On examination he was pale with low blood pressure and fracture of left 10th rib. The organ most likely to be injured is:

Option A: Kidneys
Option B: Liver
Option C: Pancreas
Option D: Spleen
Option E: Stomach

Correct Answer: Option : D
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Question 30: If the aortic opening in the diaphragm is constricted, which of the following structure will be compressed along with aorta

Option A: Azygous vein and vagus nerve
Option B: Thoracic duct and vagus nerve
Option C: Thoracic duct and azygos vein
Option D: Azygos vein and both phrenic nerves
Option E: Inferior vena cava

Correct Answer: Option : C
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Question 31: Respiratory damage does not occur in lesion

Option A: At C5
Option B: Below C5
Option C: Above C5
Option D: At T1
Option E: below C3

Correct Answer: Option : B
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Question 32: A patient presented with anterior wall M.I artery involved is

Option A: LAD
Option B: RCA
Option C: Marginal artery
Option D: LCX
Option E: PDA

Correct Answer: Option : A
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Question 33: While draining an abscess in axilla, if the thoracodorsal nerve is injured. This would lead to the paralysis of:

Option A: Latissimus dorsi
Option B: Pectoralis major
Option C: Pectoralis minor
Option D: Serratus anterior
Option E: Teres major

Correct Answer: Option : A
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Question 34: In case of constrictive pericarditis. There is?

Option A: Cardiomegaly
Option B: Diastolic pressure in both the ventricles is equal
Option C: Fourth heart sound is audibile
Option D: Heart rate remains normal
Option E: Stroke volume is increased

Correct Answer: Option : B
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Question 35: In case of atrial fibrillation, the wave which will be absent on examination of JVP, would be:

Option A: A waves
Option B: C waves
Option C: V waves
Option D: X waves
Option E: Y waves

Correct Answer: Option : A
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Question 36: Root of right lung is crossed by?

Option A: Sub-clavian vein
Option B: Arch of aorta
Option C: Azygous vein
Option D: Right pulmonary artery
Option E: Thoracic duct

Correct Answer: Option : C
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Question 37: Mid diastolic murmer of mitral stenosis is best heard on auscultation at:

Option A: Apex of the heart
Option B: Base of the heart
Option C: Over the mitral valve
Option D: Second intercoastal space on the left side
Option E: Third intercoastal space on the right side

Correct Answer: Option : A
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Question 38: The most commonly used artery for coronary artery bypass surgery is:

Option A: Gastro-epiploic artery
Option B: Left-internal mammary artery
Option C: Radial artery graft
Option D: Right-internal mammary artery
Option E: Second left intercostal artery

Correct Answer: Option : B
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Question 39: A 13 year old boy presents to you at emergency room with severe cough, his mother describes his cough to be harsh, barking, persistent associated with stridor. The anatomical area most likely involved is:

Option A: Bifurcation of trachea
Option B: Distal bronchi
Option C: Larynx
Option D: Pharynx
Option E: Proximal bronchi

Correct Answer: Option : C
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Question 40: A 50 years old man has been diagnosed to have tuberculous pleural effusion. The safest site of pleural fluid aspiration is:

Option A: Lower border of the upper rib in mid axillary line
Option B: Lower border of the upper rib in mid-clavicular line
Option C: Middle of intercostal space in mid-clavicular line
Option D: Middle of the intercostal space in anterior axillary line
Option E: Upper border of the lower rib with maximum area of dullness

Correct Answer: Option : E
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Question 41: Purkinje fibres in the heart:

Option A: Are specialized cardiac muscle cells
Option B: Have cells which are smaller than ordinary cardiac muscle cells
Option C: Have numerous myofibrils
Option D: Have poor central sarcoplasm
Option E: Have poor quantities of glycogen

Correct Answer: Option : A
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Question 42: The regions of the thorax over which a resonant percussion note is normally found corresponds to:

Option A: Area between left 2nd and 4th intercoastal space
Option B: Area between left 2nd and 4th intercoastal space midaxillary line
Option C: Area between left 4th and 6th intercoastal space mid axillary line
Option D: Area between right 2nd and 4th intercostal space mid clavicular line
Option E: Area between right 5th intercoastal space and 8th intercoastal space in mid clavicular line

Correct Answer: Option : D
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Question 43: The stony dull percussion note on the right anterior chest wall is most likely due to:

Option A: Entrapment of air in alvoeli
Option B: Fluid in the pleural space
Option C: Large pulmonary cavity
Option D: Thickening of the parietal pleura
Option E: Thickening of visceral pleura

Correct Answer: Option : B
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Question 44: Breast usually does not receive blood supply from:

Option A: Axillary
Option B: Subclavian
Option C: Thoracic aorta
Option D: Musculophrenic
Option E: Thoraco-acromial

Correct Answer: Option : C
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Question 45: The loss of visual acuity and visual field in thyrotoxic opthalmopathy is most likely due to:

Option A: Corneal odema
Option B: Exopthahmos
Option C: Extra occular muscle palsy
Option D: Lid retraction
Option E: Optic nerve compression

Correct Answer: Option : E
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Question 46: While performing bronchoscopy, the doctor introduces bronchoscope. The first structure he will visualize beyond carina is?

Option A: Superior lobar bronchus
Option B: Superior segmental bronchus
Option C: Apical bronchus
Option D: Middle lobar bronchus
Option E: Inferior lobar bronchus

Correct Answer: Option : E
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Question 47: Cardiac surgeon during open heart surgery found bleeding vessel accompanying LAD in anterior interventricular groove. Most likely:

Option A: Great cardiac vein
Option B: Anterior cardiac vein
Option C: Oblique vein
Option D: Small cardiac vein
Option E: Marginal vein

Correct Answer: Option : A
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Question 48: Regarding thorax, find out wrong statement?

Option A: Pump handle increases transverse diameter
Option B: Abdominal type of respiration is seen in children
Option C: Diaphragm is important muscle for respiration
Option D: Xiphisternum is located at T9 vertebra
Option E: Xiphisternum is located at T1 vertebra

Correct Answer: Option : E
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Question 49: Lymphatic from the lateral quadrant of the breast mainly drain into the:

Option A: Inferior deep cervical lymph node
Option B: Inter pectoral lymph node
Option C: Pectoral (anterior) lymph node
Option D: Retrosternal lymph node
Option E: Supraclavicular lymph node

Correct Answer: Option : C
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Question 50: The aortic opening of the diaphragm:

Option A: Lies at the level of L2 vertebra
Option B: Is bounded by the medial arcuate ligament
Option C: Transmits the vagus nerve
Option D: Is situated in the central tendon
Option E: Transmits the thoracic duct

Correct Answer: Option : E
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Question 51: The left coronary artery:

Option A: Arises from the anterior aortic sinus
Option B: Runs between the pulmonary trunk and left auricle
Option C: Has no anastomosis with right coronary artery
Option D: Supplies the fibrous pericardium also
Option E: Supplies the atrioventricular node in 80% of the hearts

Correct Answer: Option : B
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Question 52: Most important muscle of the body (having no alternative) is

Option A: Diaphragm
Option B: Cricothyroid
Option C: Posterior cricoarytenoid
Option D: Oblique arytenoid
Option E: Transvevse arytenoids

Correct Answer: Option : A
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Question 53: The thoracic duct:

Option A: Enters the thorax through the opening for the inferior vena cava
Option B: Crosses from right to left anterior to the esophagus
Option C: Has valves
Option D: Receives the right bronchomediastinal trunk
Option E: Receives lymph from the lower part of right side of thorax

Correct Answer: Option : C
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Question 54: Regarding venous drainage of heart:

Option A: The left ventricle is drained by the middle cardiac vein
Option B: The anterior cardiac veins drain directly into the right atrium
Option C: The coronary sinus receives all of the venous blood
Option D: Venae cordis minimae are only present in atria
Option E: The great cardiac vein accompanies the marginal branch of right coronary artery

Correct Answer: Option : B
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Question 55: A chronic pressure over load in the left ventricle due to aortic stenosis results in:

Option A: Altered left ventricle distensibility
Option B: Decreased contractility
Option C: Left ventricular dilatation
Option D: Left ventricular hypertrophy
Option E: No change

Correct Answer: Option : D
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Question 56: Area to be auscultated for tricuspid valve?

Option A: Left 2nd i/c space
Option B: Right 2nd i/c space
Option C: 4th left i/c space in mid clavicular line
Option D: 5th left i/c space in mid clavicular line
Option E: Right side of lower half of body of sternum

Correct Answer: Option : E
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Question 57: The first posterior intercostal vein is the tributary of:

Option A: Accessory hemiazygos vein
Option B: Azygos vein
Option C: Brachiocephalic vein
Option D: Hemiazygos vein
Option E: Superior vena cava

Correct Answer: Option : C
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Question 58: Regarding coronaries arteries, most appropriate?

Option A: Anastomosis occur at arterial level
Option B: Arteries run in their respective grooves
Option C: Venous drainage system carries same names as arteries
Option D: SA node is supplied by left coronary artery
Option E: AV node is supplied by LAD

Correct Answer: Option : B
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Question 59: Breast carcinomas often cause the skin of the breast to become puffy & pitted, resembling orange peel. The pits most likely correspond with which of the following?

Option A: Attachments of suspensory ligaments (retinacula cutis) to the dermis
Option B: Diffuse scarring in subcutaneous fibrous tissue
Option C: Focal invasion of the dermis by neoplastic cells
Option D: Openings of sebaceous glands
Option E: Openings of sweat glands

Correct Answer: Option : A
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Question 60: Regarding oesophagus:

Option A: Is composed entirely of striated muscle
Option B: Is unable to propel food bolus against gravity
Option C: Lies entirely in the thoracic cavity
Option D: Measures 25-30 cms, in length
Option E: Responds to cholinergic stimulation

Correct Answer: Option : D
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Question 61: During exercise, the following are correct except:

Option A: Cerebral blood flow remains unchanged
Option B: Coronary blood flow increases
Option C: Formation of interstitial fluid is markedly increased
Option D: Skeletal muscle blood flow is increased as much as 20 times
Option E: Splanchnic blood flow increases

Correct Answer: Option : E
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Question 62: Fibrous pericardium is continuation of which fascia of neck

Option A: Deep cervical fascia
Option B: Pretracheal fascia
Option C: Paravertebral fascia
Option D: Carotid sheath
Option E: Superficial fascia

Correct Answer: Option : B
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Question 63: A 45-year- old man with a history of stable angina presents to the emergency department with an episode of chest pain that is not relieved by rest or nitroglycerine. After stabilization, he undergoes a thallium stress test. The results show reduced perfusion of the lateral wall of the left ventricle. Which artery is most likely occluded budget-saving bridesmaid apparels in coral

Option A: Right coronary
Option B: Left circumflex
Option C: Left main coronary
Option D: Left anterior descending
Option E: Anterior interventricular

Correct Answer: Option : B
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Question 64: If the thoracic duct is blocked, all of the following parts will be swollen except?

Option A: Arm
Option B: Cerebral hemisphere
Option C: Lower limb
Option D: Side of the neck
Option E: Side of the thoracic wall

Correct Answer: Option : B
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Question 65: The diaphragm is attached to all of the following except:

Option A: 7th costal cartilage
Option B: 9th rib
Option C: Body of 10th thoracic vertebra
Option D: Body of 1st lumbar vertebra
Option E: Xiphoid process

Correct Answer: Option : C
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Question 66: Which one of the following structures is devoid of valves?

Option A: Azygos vein
Option B: Inferior vena cava
Option C: Right lymphatic duct
Option D: Superior vena cava
Option E: Thoracic duct

Correct Answer: Option : D
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Question 67: Cardiac muscle cannot be tetanized because it has:

Option A: Action potential with plateau
Option B: Gap junctions
Option C: Long duration of contraction
Option D: Long refractory period
Option E: The property of automaticity

Correct Answer: Option : D
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Question 68: the lymph from the medial quadrants of the breast drain mainly into the:

Option A: Anterior axillary (pectoral) nodes
Option B: Infraclavicular (deltopectoral) nodes
Option C: Internal thoracic nodes
Option D: Lateral axillary (brachial) nodes
Option E: Posterior axillary (subscapular) nodes

Correct Answer: Option : C
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Question 69: A 77.-year-old man has undergone an esophagectomy due to carcinoma of esophagus. A central venous line is passed through internal jugular vein, postoperatively for parenteral nutrition. Regarding this vein all of the following is true except

Option A: Is a continuation of sigmoid sinus
Option B: Lies in carotid sheath
Option C: Crossed by
hypoglossal nerve
Option D: Receives facial vein
Option E: Receives lingual vein

Correct Answer: Option : C
Your Status: Unanswered